Items where Year is 2019

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Number of items: 57.


Arsić, Slavica and Bulatović, Maja and Rakin, Marica and Sredojević, Zorica (2019) Production and tehno-economic opportunitiest of use of whey in industrial processes. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 19 (1). pp. 41-45. ISSN 2284-7995

Berber, Nemanja and Slavić, Agneš and Miletić, Slavomir and Simonović, Zoran and Aleksić, Marko (2019) A Survey on Relationship between Leadership Styles and Leadership Outcomes in the Banking Sector in Serbia. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 16 (7). pp. 167-184. ISSN 1785-8860

Cico, Snežana and Rajnović, Ljiljana (2019) Načelo stalnosti poslovanja kao upozoravajući signal bankrota preduzeća. Računovodstvo, 63 (1-2). pp. 202-223. ISSN 1450-6114

Dolijanović, Željko and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Kovačević, Dušan and Đurđić, Snežana and Miodragović, Rajko and Jovanović Todorović, Marijana and Đorđević Popović, Jelena (2019) Mineral profile of the winter wheat grain: Effects of soil tillage systems and nitrogen fertilization. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17 (5). pp. 11757-11771. ISSN 1589-1623

Grujić Vučkovski, Biljana and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Simonović, Zoran (2019) The scope and structure of the incentives in agriculture and rural development in the Republic of Serbia. Facta Universitatis Series: Economics and Organization, 16 (3). pp. 327-335. ISSN 0354-4699

Jeločnik, Marko and Dragne, Florentina and Radulescu, Iuliana Denisa (2019) Milk and Dairies Safety Management. Better understand Consumer Behavior. Review of International Comparative Management, 20 (2). pp. 144-154. ISSN 1582-3458

Jeločnik, Marko and Subić, Jonel and Kovačević, Vlado (2019) Competitiveness of Sauerkraut Production. Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 1 (2). pp. 113-123. ISSN 2683-4693

Jeločnik, Marko and Subić, Jonel and Kovačević, Vlado (2019) Competitiveness of apple processing. Ekonomika: međunarodni časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu i društvena pitanja, 65 (4). pp. 41-51. ISSN 0350-137X

Jeločnik, Marko and Zubović, Jovan and Zdravković, Aleksandar (2019) Estimating impact of weather factors on wheat yields by using panel model approach - The case of Serbia. Agricultural Water Management, 221. pp. 493-501. ISSN 0378-3774

Kovačević, Vlado and Jeločnik, Marko (2019) Development of risk management instruments in the EU. Rural Areas and Development, 16. pp. 71-95. ISSN 2657-4403

Mihailović, Branko and Radić Jean, Ivana (2019) Resources and potential of agri-food products with added value in Braničevo-Podunavlje region. Economics of Agriculture, 66 (3). pp. 669-680. ISSN 0352-3462

Miletić, Vuk and Ćurčić, Nikola and Miletić, Slavomir (2019) Ocene ključnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i marketinškog koncepta u domaćim organizacijama. Vojno delo, 71 (2). pp. 289-304. ISSN 0042-8426

Muhović, Almir and Radivojević, Nikola and Ćurčić, Nikola (2019) Research of factors of non performing agricultural loans by primary data panels. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 66 (2). pp. 569-578. ISSN 0352-3462

Muhović, Almir and Subić, Jonel (2019) Analysis and impact of main macro and microeconomic factors on the growth of NPLs in the emerging financial markets. Ekonomika: međunarodni časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu i društvena pitanja, 65 (4). pp. 21-30. ISSN 0350-137X

Nedeljković, Miroslav (2019) Kvantitativna analiza i predviđanje proizvodnih parametara ječma. Akademski pregled, 2 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 2637-2525

Nedeljković, Miroslav and Mutavdžić, Beba and Zoranović, Tihomir and Suzić, Radmila (2019) Forecasting corn production indicators in the Republic of Srpska. Economics of Agriculture, 66 (3). pp. 681-690. ISSN 0352-3462

Nedeljković, Miroslav and Zoranović, Tihomir and Novković, Nebojša and Filipović, Vladimir (2019) Komparativna analiza ratarske proizvodnje u Republici Srpskoj i Srbiji. Agroekonomika, 48 (82). pp. 29-38. ISSN 0350-5928

Prdić, Nedeljko and Kuzman, Boris (2019) The importance of auctions for agroindustrial products trade. Ekonomika: međunarodni časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu i društvena pitanja, 65 (1). pp. 107-116. ISSN 0350-137X

Prdić, Nedeljko and Kuzman, Boris and Damnjanović, Jelena (2019) Marketing research in the function of business efficiency. Economics of Agriculture, 66 (4). pp. 1039-1054. ISSN 0352-3462

Rajnović, Ljiljana and Cico, Snežana and Eremić-Đorđić, Jelica (2019) Sustainable Operations As a Strategy of Management of Companies, With a Review in the Field Of Agriculture. Economics of Agriculture, 66 (2). pp. 601-615. ISSN 0352-3462

Simonović, Zoran and Miletić, Slavomir and Popović, Vesna (2019) Some Features of Development in the Agricultural Policy Western Balkan Candidates for Market Access in the EU. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 66 (2). pp. 541-557. ISSN 0352-3462

Simonović, Zoran and Petrović, Dejan and Ćurčić, Nikola (2019) Production of Grapes and Wine in Serbia. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 65 (4). pp. 11-20. ISSN 0350-137X

Sredojević, Zorica and Kljajić, Nataša and Gajić, Boško (2019) Brownfield investments as possibility of revitalization and sustainability of locations. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 66 (2). pp. 589-599. ISSN 0352-3462

Subić, Suzana and Simonović, Zoran (2019) Public-Private Partnership in the Function of Increasing the Quality of School Sports Facilities. Facta Universitatis Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17 (2). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1451-740X

Vuković, Predrag and Popović, Vesna (2019) Informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije kao pretpostavka uspešnog razvoja ruralnog turizma u Republici Srbiji. Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, 169 (1). pp. 109-123. ISSN 0352-5732

Ćurčić, Nikola and Miletić, Slavomir and Grubor, Aleksandar and Simonović, Zoran (2019) Evaluacija faktora značajnih za nivo učešća na tržištu organizacija koje posluju Republici Srbiji. Vojno delo, 71 (7). pp. 357-371. ISSN 0042-8426

Ćurčić, Nikola and Piljan, Ivan and Simonović, Zoran (2019) Marketing concept in insurance companies. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 65 (3). pp. 21-33. ISSN 0350-137X

Đurić, Katarina and Cvijanović, Drago and Prodanović, Radivoj and Čavlin, Miroslav and Kuzman, Boris and Lukač Bulatović, Mirjana (2019) Serbian agriculture policy: Economic analysis using the PSE approach. Sustainability, 11 (2). ISSN 2071-1050

Đurić, Katarina and Kuzman, Boris and Prodanović, Radivoj (2019) Support to young farmers through agricultural policy measures-experience of the EU and Serbia. Economics of Agriculture, 66 (1). pp. 237-249. ISSN 0352-3462

Živanović, Cvijetin and Nedeljković, Miroslav (2019) Budućnost održivih gradova i urbana poljoprivreda. Akademski pregled, 2 (2). pp. 67-77. ISSN 2637-2525

Živkov, Dejan and Kuzman, Boris and Subić, Jonel (2019) How do oil price changes impact the major agricultural commodities in different market conditions and in different time-horizons? Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research, 53 (4). pp. 159-175. ISSN 0424-267X

Book Section

Bojčevski, Mirjana and Vasiljević, Zorica and Kovačević, Vlado (2019) The FADN as an analytical tool in EU and Serbia. In: VIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences - AgroRes. University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 152-163. ISBN 978-99938-93-56-1

Jeločnik, Marko and Nastić, Lana (2019) Tehnike investicione analize za investicije u preradne kapacitete malih proizvođača. In: Unapređenje transfera znanja radi dobijanja bezbednih i konkurentnih polјoprivrednih proizvoda koji su dobijeni preradom na malim gazdinstvima u sektorima mleka, mesa, voća i povrća. Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd, pp. 63-92. ISBN 978-86-6269-075-3

Kuzman, Boris and Prodanović, Radivoj (2019) Water Quality and Irrigation Management in Organic Production. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region : sustainability and multifunctionality. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 87-105. ISBN 978-86-6269-067-8

Mihailović, Branko (2019) The Influences of the Marketing Methods on the International Trade with Agro-Products. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region : sustainability and multifunctionality. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 106-123. ISBN 978-86-6269-067-8

Mijajlović, Nada (2019) Perspectives of Development of Forestry in Context of Sustainable Agriculture of the City of Novi Sad. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region : sustainability and multifunctionality. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 557-571. ISBN 978-86-6269-067-8

Nedeljković, Dragan (2019) The Influence of Japanese Business on the Development of European Business Environment. In: International Scientific Conference "European Management, Busines, Marketing and Tourism Development with Special Emphasis on Central and South-East Europe" : collection of papers. European Academy of Science, Belgrade, pp. 43-51. ISBN 978-86-7582-075-8

Nedeljković, Miroslav (2019) Predviđanje cenovnih pokazatelja kukuruza u Republici Srpskoj. In: Naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem „Selo i poljoprivreda“. Univerzitet Bijeljina, Bijeljina, pp. 266-276. ISBN 978-99976-751-2-5

Nedeljković, Miroslav and Krstić, Boro (2019) Forecasting wheat and corn production in Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region : sustainability and multifunctionality. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 540-556. ISBN 978-86-6269-067-8

Nedeljković, Miroslav and Maksimović, Aleksandar (2019) Analysis and prediction of rapeseed production indicators in the Republic of Srpska. In: VII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences „AgroRes 2019“. Faculty of agriculture, Banja Luka, p. 162. ISBN 978-99938-93-54-7

Rajnović, Ljiljana and Cico, Snežana (2019) The Role of the State in the Privatization of the Agricultural Sector. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region : sustainability and multifunctionality. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 441-457. ISBN 978-86-6269-067-8

Rajnović, Ljiljana and Subić, Jonel and Andrei, Jean Vasile (2019) Interest of the State in Maintenance of Business Operations in Agriculture of Serbia in Globalization Conditions. In: Scientific Conference “Village and Agriculture”. Bijeljina University, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-99976-751-2-5

Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Paraušić, Vesna (2019) Diversifikacija ruralne ekonomije: institucionalni okvir i nacionalni podsticaji u sektoru prerade poljoprivrednih proizvoda u Srbiji. In: Unapređenje transfera znanja radi dobijanja bezbednih i konkurentnih poljoprivrednih proizvoda koji su dobijeni preradom na malim gazdinstvima u sektorima mleka, mesa, voća i povrća. Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd, pp. 7-22. ISBN 978-86-6269-075-3

Sredojević, Zorica and Bodiroga, Radomir and Kljajić, Nataša (2019) Izazovi i rizici ulaganja u organsku proizvodnju u Republici Srbiji - primer začinske paprike. In: Naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem „Selo i poljoprivreda“. Univerzitet "Bijeljina", Bijeljina, pp. 132-142. ISBN 978-99976-751-2-5

Sredojević, Zorica and Kljajić, Nataša and Arsić, Slavica (2019) Održivost stočnog fonda - izazov za ciljana ulaganja. In: Naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem „Održiva poljoprivredna proizvodnja, Uloga poljoprivrede u zaštiti životne sredine“. Megatrend univerzitet, Fakultet za biofarming, Beograd, pp. 181-188. ISBN 978-86-7747-612-0

Subić, Jonel and Jeločnik, Marko (2019) Economic Effectiveness of Ecologically Acceptable Production of Vegetables in Protected Area. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region : sustainability and multifunctionality. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 333-352. ISBN 978-86-6269-067-8

Subić, Jonel and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Simonović, Zoran (2019) Evaluation of economic sustainability ecological production vegetables on family farms in Serbia. In: 10th International Symposium "Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania". The Research Institute for Agricultural Economy and Rural Development (ICEADR), Bucharest, Romania, pp. 35-44.

Subić, Jonel and Tomić, Vedran (2019) Programi investicija u preradu bezbedne hrane na malim poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima za mleko, meso, voće i povrće. In: Unapređenje transfera znanja radi dobijanja bezbednih i konkurentnih poljoprivrednih proizvoda koji su dobijeni preradom na malim gazdinstvima u sektorima mleka, mesa, voća i povrća, poglavlje. Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd, pp. 93-157. ISBN 978-86-6269-075-3

Subić, Jonel and Vasiljević, Zorica (2019) Optimizacija ekonomskih rezultata poljoprivredne proizvodnje putem primene novih tehnologija. In: Obnovljivo korišćenje prirodnih resursa u seoskim područjima Srbije. SANU, Beograd, pp. 237-259. ISBN 978-86-7025-814-3

Zečević, Leposava (2019) Marketing Strategy Development in Central and South-East Europe. In: International scientific conference: European Management, Business and Marketing Development with Special Emphasis on Central and South-east Europe. European Academy of Science; European University, Vienna ; Belgrade, pp. 29-34. ISBN 978-86-7582-075-8

Zečević Stanojević, Olgica (2019) The Role of Intercultural Competences in Central and South-East Europe Business Environment Development. In: International scientific conference: European Management, Business and Marketing Development with Special Emphasis on Central and South-east Europe. European Academy of Science; European University, Vienna ; Belgrade, pp. 36-41. ISBN 978-86-7582-075-8

Ćurčić, Nikola and Simonović, Zoran (2019) Some Items on Marketing Agricultural Products in the Republic of Serbia. In: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region : sustainability and multifunctionality. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 640-654. ISBN 978-86-6269-067-8

Đodić Eremić, Jelica and Laban, Bogdan and Rajnović, Ljiljana (2019) Uloga i značaj ekonomsko finansijske funkcije u procesu restrukturiranje na primeru javnog preduzeća u Republici Srbiji. In: Savremeni izazovi korporativnog upravljanja, finansije, računovodstvo, revizija, IT, 7. međunarodni simpozijum. Finconsult, Tuzla, pp. 501-514. ISBN 2490-239X

Đokić, Nenad and Đokić, Ines and Ćurčić, Nikola (2019) Ponašanje potrošača u vezi sa brendovima suhomesnatih proizvoda na tržištu Novog Sada. In: Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem "Izazovi savremenog marketinga 2019". Srpsko udruženje za marketing - SeMA, Beograd, pp. 68-76. ISBN 978-86-7852-056-3


Paraušić, Vesna and Nikolić Roljević, Svetlana and Subić, Jonel (2019) Anketa o strukturi poljoprivrednih gazdinstava, 2018: Poljoprivredna gazdinstva prema tipu proizvodnje i ekonomskoj veličini. Republički zavod za statistiku, Beograd. ISBN 978‐86‐6161‐185‐8

Simonović, Zoran and Kostić, Aleksandar (2019) Geoponika, enciklopedija poljoprivrede. Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-6269-064-7

Vuković, Predrag (2019) Konkurentnost ruralnih turističkih destinacija u području Donjeg Podunavlja u Republici Srbiji. Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-6269-071-5

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