Items where Year is 2015

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Number of items: 72.


Arsić, Slavica and Jovanović, Marijana and Sredojević, Zorica (2015) Comparative Analysis of the Number of Sheep in FYR and Some European Countries. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, LXII (2). pp. 453-466. ISSN 0352-3462

Arsić, Slavica and Kljajić, Nataša and Jovanović, Marijana (2015) Utilization of an Agricultural Land as a Basic Capacity for Corn and Wheat Production in Serbia and ex-Yu Countries. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 61 (2). pp. 103-116. ISSN 0350-137X

Bjeljac, Željko and Jovanović, Radmila and Terzić, Aleksandra (2015) The Kadibogaz gathering in the Balkan Range (Stara Planina) – Model of cross-border cooperation. Problems of Geography (3-4). pp. 127-135. ISSN 0204-7209

Cvijanović, Drago and Mihailović, Branko and Paraušić, Vesna (2015) Navodnjavanje u funkciji razvoja poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Srbiji. Zbornik naučnih radova Agroekonomik, 1-2 (21). pp. 193-200. ISSN 0354-1320

Cvijanović, Drago and Mihailović, Branko and Vuković, Predrag (2015) Гармонизации аграрной политки Сербии с единой сельскохозяйственой политкой ЕС. Мир перемен (4). pp. 82-95. ISSN 2073-3038

Cvijanović, Drago and Mihailović, Branko and Čavlin, Miroslav (2015) Ekonomski i etički izazovi razvoja u narednom periodu. Svarog: časopis za društvene i prirodne nauke (10). pp. 234-247. ISSN 1986-8588

Cvijanović, Drago and Mihailović, Branko and Čavlin, Miroslav and Čavlin, Gordana (2015) Impact of Marketing Consulting on Performances of Agrarian Clusters in Serbia. Sustainability, 7 (2). pp. 1099-1115. ISSN 2071-1050

Demirović, Dunja and Radosavac, Adriana and Subić, Jonel (2015) Poljoprivreda i turizam na seoskim gazdinstvima Vojvodine. Agroekonomika, 44 (67). pp. 84-94. ISSN 0350-5928

Gavrić, Gordana and Simonović, Zoran and Lazović, Katarina (2015) Znanje kao faktor opstanka i konkurentnosti u savremenom poslovanju. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 51 (33). pp. 389-400. ISSN 0350-2120

Grujić, Biljana and Kljajić, Nataša and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana (2015) Pojam inovacija, upravljanje znanjem i implikacije na agrosektor Srbije. Zbornik naučnih radova Agroekonomik, 21 (1-2). pp. 209-215. ISSN 0354-1320

Ilić, Biljana and Simonović, Zoran (2015) Factors of Serbian Spa Toursm and its Sustainability with Reference to Gamzigrad Spa. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 61 (3). pp. 85-98. ISSN 0350-137X

Ivanović, Sanjin and Nastić, Lana and Bekić, Bojana (2015) Possibilities of MIRR Method Application for Evaluation of Investments in Agriculture: An Example of Pigs Fattening. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, LXII (2). pp. 325-333. ISSN 0352-3462

Jeločnik, Marko and Ion, Raluca Andreea and Jovanović, Marijana and Popescu, Cristian George (2015) Has Organic Farming Potential for Development? Comparative Study in Romania and Serbia. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22. pp. 268-276. ISSN 2212-5671

Jeločnik, Marko and Nastić, Lana and Subić, Jonel (2015) Analiza pokrića varijabilnih troškova u proizvodnji šećerne repe. Zbornik naučnih radova Agroekonomik, 21 (1-2). pp. 201-208. ISSN 0354-1320

Jovanović, Marijana and Arsić, Slavica and Vučković, Savo (2015) Značaj sejanih travnjaka u održivom razvoju planinskih regiona Republike Srbije. Zbornik naučnih radova Agroekonomik, 21 (1-2). pp. 217-222. ISSN 0354-1320

Kljajić, Nataša and Cvijanović, Drago and Arsić, Slavica (2015) Potentials and Analysis of the Primary Crop Cultivation in the Municipality Pecinci. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 61 (4). pp. 57-68. ISSN 0350-137X

Kostić, Aleksandar and Simonović, Zoran and Momirović, Dragan (2015) The Processes of Globalization and Modern Agriculture - Sociological and Economic Aspects. Economic Insights - Trends and Challenges, IV (1). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2284-8576

Mihailović, Branko and Cvijanović, Drago and Simonović, Zoran (2015) Role of Business Ethics in Management of Human Resources. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 61 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 0350-137X

Mihailović, Branko and Cvijanović, Drago and Vuković, Predrag (2015) The Role of International Marketing in the Process of Increasing Competitiveness of Agricultural and Food Products. Problems of Agricultural Economics, 345 (4). pp. 81-93. ISSN 0044-1600

Nedelcu, Adrian and Tătaru, Alexandra and Subić, Jonel and Kuzman, Boris (2015) The local action group, local development model based on community. Case study-LGA „Land of vineyards and wine“ Vrancea. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22. pp. 706-715. ISSN 2212-5671

Nestorov, Jelena and Tomić, Danilo and Puškarić, Anton (2015) Uloga zemljoradničkog zadrugarstva u unapređenju konkurentnosti malih i srednjih poljoprivrednih gazdinstava u Vojvodini. Agroekonomika : časopis Instituta za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, 44 (65). pp. 68-78. ISSN 0350-5928

Paraušić, Vesna and Simeunović, Ivana and Vuković, Darko (2015) Serbian Agricultural Competitiveness. Geography, environment, sustainability, 8 (1). pp. 16-26. ISSN 2071-9388

Popović, Vesna and Grujić, Biljana (2015) Agricultural Subsides in the Budget of the Republic of Serbia. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, LXII (2). pp. 513-525. ISSN 0352-3462

Popović, Vesna and Živanović Miljković, Jelena and Subić, Jonel and Jean-Vasile, Andrei and Nedelcu, Adrian and Eugen, Nicolăescu (2015) Sustainable Land Management in Mining Areas in Serbia and Romania. Sustainability, 7 (9). pp. 11857-11877. ISSN 2071-1050

Simonović, Zoran and Đurić, Aleksandar and Kostić, Aleksandar (2015) Tarantinos Texts That Have Been Preserved in Palladius Work „Opus Agriculturae“and Agricultural Encyclopedia – Geoponika. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 61 (4). pp. 11-20. ISSN 0350-137X

Stojanović, Dragica and Ilić, Biljana and Simonović, Zoran (2015) Co2 Emissions Trading at the Stock Exchange – Quality Enhancement of Tourism Potential, Ecological and Economic Growth. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 61 (2). pp. 93-102. ISSN 0350-137X

Subić, Jonel and Jeločnik, Marko and Zubović, Jovan (2015) Primena navodnjavanja kao agrotehničke mere: analiza marže pokrića u proizvodnji kukuruza. Ecologica: naučno-stručni i informativni časopis, 22 (78). pp. 245-251. ISSN 0354-3285

Subić, Jonel and Nastić, Lana and Bekić, Bojana (2015) Economic effects of using geothermal waters in the production of flowers and vegetables in glasshouses. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22. pp. 131-140. ISSN 2212-5671

Subić, Jonel and Nastić, Lana and Jeločnik, Marko (2015) Analiza bruto marže u proizvodnji trešnje. Zbornik naučnih radova Agroekonomik, 21 (5). pp. 61-69. ISSN 0354-1320

Vlahović, Branislav and Puškarić, Anton (2015) Stanje i perspektiva izvoza agroindustrijskih proizvoda Republike Srbije na tržište Ruske Federacije. Agroekonomika, 44 (66). pp. 13-25. ISSN 2335-0776

Vlahović, Branislav and Puškarić, Anton and Veličković, Stevan (2015) Izvoz jabuke iz Republike Srbije: stanje i tendencije. Agroekonomika : časopis Instituta za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, 44 (65). pp. 10-21. ISSN 0350-5928

Vlahović, Branislav and Puškarić, Anton and Šojić, Sanja (2015) Research into Agricultural Producers’ Motives for Engaging in Organic Production in the Republic of Serbia. Economic Insights – Trends and Challenges, IV (2). pp. 31-39. ISSN 2284-8576

Vuković, Predrag and Cvijanović, Drago and Mihailović, Branko (2015) Perspectives for Development of Rural Tourism in the Area of Novi Sad. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 61 (4). pp. 69-78. ISSN 0350-137X

Vuković, Predrag and Čavlin, Gordana and Čavlin, Miroslav (2015) Complementarity in the Development of Rural Tourism with the Development of Thermal Baths, Spa and Welness Tourism. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, LXII (1). pp. 259-270. ISSN 0352-3462

Zefinescu, Carmen and Ibrahim, Mostafa A.R and Popović, Vesna and Mieila, Mihai (2015) Measuring the economic performance in decision making process in the contemporary economies. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22. pp. 380-387. ISSN 2212-5671

Zubović, Jovan and Jeločnik, Marko and Subić, Jonel (2015) Can Human Resources Induce Sustainability in Business? Modeling, Testing and Correlating HR Index and Company's Business Results. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, LXII (2). pp. 399-420. ISSN 0352-3462

Živanović, Ljubiša and Kovačević, Vlado and Lukić, Vladan (2015) Economic Cost - Effectiveness of Different Nitrogen Application in the Production of Corn on Chernozems Soil. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, LXII (2). pp. 421-436. ISSN 0352-3462

Book Section

Arsić, Slavica and Rajnović, Ljiljana (2015) The Possibility and Modern Achievements in Utilization and Use of Whey. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 280-295. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Bekić, Bojana (2015) Quality parameters and authenticity of royal jelly. In: 4th International Congress Programme New Perspectives and Challenges of Sustainable Livestock Production. Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, pp. 705-713. ISBN 978-86-82431-71-8

Bekić, Bojana and Jovanović, Marijana (2015) Beekeeping as a Factor of Danube Region Sustainable Development. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 156-172. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Bekić, Bojana and Mačukanović Jocić, Marina (2015) Pollen morphology of Crocus reticulatus Steven ex Adams (Iridaceae). In: Balkan Botanical Congress 2015: book of abstracts. Natural History Museum Rijeka; Croatian Botanical Society ; Botanical Society of Slovenia ; Universit of Rijeka, Rijeka, pp. 50-51. ISBN 978-953-99774-9-6

Bekić, Bojana and Mladenović, Mića and Mačukanović Jocić, Marina (2015) Review of tests used in honey bee selection (Apis mellifera L.). In: The International Symposium on Animal Science (ISAS) 2015 - 19th International Congress on Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction (ICBAR), 09-11.09.2015, Novi Sad. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad, pp. 280-286. ISBN 978-86-7520-348-3

Bekić Šarić, Bojana and Mladenović, Mića and Mačukanović Jocić, Marina (2015) Impact of pesticides on health and behavior of bees (Fam. Apidae). In: IV International Symposium and XX Scientific-professional Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska. Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Banja Luka, pp. 330-331. ISBN 978-99938-93-30-1

Cvijanović, Drago and Mihailović, Branko and Simonović, Zoran (2015) Models of networking in agriculture of Serbia. In: Symposium Proceedings, 2nd International symposium for agriculture and food – ISAF 2015. Faculty of Agrictural Sciences and Food; University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, pp. 249-257. ISBN 978-9989-845-63-5; 978-9989-845-64-2

Cvijanović, Drago and Vuković, Predrag and Čavlin, Miroslav (2015) Ecology as a Basis for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia. In: Book of proceedings of III International conference - Sustainable Development of Tourism Market: International Practices and Russian Experience. Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Stavropol, Russia, pp. 35-40. ISBN 978-5-9596-1146-0

Filipović, Vladimir and Kljajić, Nataša (2015) Soil Moisture as One of the Limiting Factors in the Production of Medicinal Plants. In: Agricultural Management Strategies in a Changing Economy. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 119-137. ISBN 978-1-4666-7521-6

Grujić, Biljana and Paraušić, Vesna and Kljajić, Nataša (2015) Business Networking - Condition to Increase Innovation in Agrosector of Serbia. In: Book of proceedings, Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2015”. Faculty of Agriculture, East Sarajevo, pp. 1937-1942. ISBN 978-99976-632-2-1

Jeločnik, Marko and Subić, Jonel (2015) Projection of Effects of the Irrigation System Implementation in Agriculture on the Territory of Srem. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 208-227. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Jovanović, Radmila and Bjeljac, Željko and Terzić, Aleksandra and Lazić, Radomir (2015) Cartographic presentation and GIS analysis of fire risk zones on the territory of municipality of Beočin (Serbia). In: :II International scientific conference “Natural hazards: links between science and practice”. Izdatelьstvo Mordovskogo Universiteta, Saransk, Russia, pp. 169-178. ISBN 978-5-7103-3078-4

Kljajić, Nataša and Popović, Vesna (2015) Climate and Soil Features in Smederevo Area in the Function of Fruit Growing and Viticulture. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 228-246. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Krunić, Tanja and Arsić, Slavica and Bulatović, Maja and Vukašinović Sekulić, Maja and Rakin, Marica (2015) Recent trends in whey ulatilization-production of bioactive peptides. In: 7th International Scientific and Expert Conference of the International TEAM Society. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, pp. 382-385. ISBN 978-86-7083-877-2

Kuzman, Boris and Jeločnik, Marko and Subić, Jonel (2015) Possibilities for Recreational Fishing Tourism Development in Protected Zones of NPFG. In: Book of proceedings of III International conference - Sustainable Development of Tourism Market: International Practices and Russian Experience. Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Stavropol, Russia, pp. 84-89. ISBN 978-5-9596-1146-0

Kuzman, Boris and Prodanović, Radivoje and Bekić, Bojana (2015) Justification – Profitability of Organic Fruit Production in the Republic of Serbia. In: Aграрная наука, творчество, рост: Сборник научных трудов по материалам V Международной научно-практической конференции Ответственный за выпуск: Башкатова Т.А. - Том. 1. Перспективы развития учетно-аналитической работы в организациях различных отраслей эко. ФГБОУ ВПО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет, Ставрополь, pp. 162-165. ISBN 978-5-9906307-8-9

Kuzman, Boris and Prodanović, Radivoje and Bekić, Bojana (2015) Justification-profitability of organic fruit production in the Republic of Serbia. In: International scientific conference, “Agricultural science, creativity, growth”. Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol, Russia, pp. 164-167. ISBN 978-5-9906307-8-9

Kuzman, Boris and Stegić, Milan (2015) Agro-Food Trade Between Serbia and EU with Focus on Countries of Danube Region. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 330-346. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Kuzman, Boris and Stegić, Milan and Jeločnik, Marko (2015) Impact of the Foreign Trade of Agro-Industrial Products between Serbia and Russian Federation. In: Proceedings, VIII International scientific conference - Modern problems of national economic development. Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol, Russia, pp. 6-16. ISBN 978-5-9906853-7-6

Mihailović, Branko and Cvijanović, Drago (2015) Educated Workforce as a Factor of Agricultural Development of the Danube District. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region:Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 347-364. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Momirović, Dragan and Simonović, Zoran (2015) Indicators for Sustainable Tourism Development NP “Đerdap”. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 534-550. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Nastić, Lana and Bekić, Bojana (2015) Harmonization with EU Regulation Regarding Environmental Protection in Livestock Production. In: Green Economic Structures in Modern Business and Society. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, pp. 102-120. ISBN 978-1-4666-8219-1

Nastić, Lana and Potrebić, Velibor (2015) Sustainable Use of Resources in Sheep and Goat Production in Serbia and EU Countries. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 104-120. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Paraušić, Vesna and Kovačević, Vlado (2015) Association and Common Interest Groups in Agriculture – A Model of the Town Smederevo. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 499-516. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Popović, Vesna and Ugrenović, Vladan (2015) Improved Irrigation Management for Sustainable Agriculture. In: Agricultural Management Strategies in a Changing Economy. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 357-378. ISBN 978-1-4666-7521-6

Sredojević, Zorica and Kljajić, Nataša and Arsić, Slavica (2015) Enabling Environment and Some Indicators to Organic Farming in Serbia. In: Aграрная наука, творчество, рост:Сборник научных трудов по материалам V Международной научно-практической конференции Ответственный за выпуск: Башкатова Т.А. - Том. 1. Перспективы развития учетно-аналитической работы в организациях различных отраслей экон. ФГБОУ ВПО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет, Ставрополь, pp. 165-168. ISBN 978-5-9906307-8-9

Subić, Jonel and Jeločnik, Marko and Jovanović, Marijana (2015) Analysis of the Serbian Economy (With the Focus on the Vojvodina Region). In: Aграрная наука, творчество, рост: Сборник научных трудов по материалам V Международной научно-практической конференции Ответственный за выпуск: Башкатова Т.А. - Том. 1. Перспективы развития учетно-аналитической работы в организациях различных отраслей эко. ФГБОУ ВПО Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет, Ставрополь, pp. 169-174. ISBN 978-5-9906307-8-9

Subić, Jonel and Jeločnik, Marko and Jovanović, Marijana (2015) Importance of Family Agricultural Holdings in Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Serbia. In: Proceedings from International scientific and practical conference - Development of entrepreneurship: New horizons. Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of social and cultural service and tourism, Stavropol, Russia, pp. 14-19. ISBN 978-5-9596-1156-9

Subić, Jonel and Jeločnik, Marko and Jovanović, Marijana and Potrebić, Velibor (2015) Other Profitable Activities on the Family Agricultural Holdings According to Their Economic Size. In: Proceedings, 6th edition International Conference Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania. ICEADR, Bucharest, pp. 61-66. ISBN 2285 – 6803

Subić, Jonel and Jovanović, Marijana and Jeločnik, Marko (2015) Investment activities in agriculture and processing industry on the territory of the Vrbas municipality - state and possibilities. In: International conference of Competitiveness of Agro-food and Environmental Economy (CAFEE' 14), Procedings. University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 161-169. ISBN 2285-9179

Subić, Jonel and Nastić, Lana and Jeločnik, Marko and Kovačević, Vlado (2015) Economic Effects of Irrigation in the Integral Apple Production. In: Proceedings from the IV International conference Competitiveness of Agro-food and Environmental Economy (CAFEE 2015). ASE Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 26-33. ISBN 2285-9179

Vuković, Predrag and Grujić, Biljana (2015) State and Conditions for Sustainable Tourism Development of the Municipality Vrbas. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 640-655. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3

Čanak, Stevan and Subić, Jonel and Jeločnik, Marko (2015) Current State of Fish Production on Carp Farms in Serbia. In: Agricultural Management Strategies in a Changing Economy. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 80-99. ISBN 978-1-4666-7521-6

Đurić, Ivan and Puškarić, Anton (2015) Impact of the Russian Import Ban on the Serbian Pork Exports and Prices. In: International Scientific Conference Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region: Regional specificities. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 173-188. ISBN 978-86-6269-046-3


Vuković, Predrag (2015) Upravljački model za povećanje konkurentnosti ruralnih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji. Doctoral thesis, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Ekonomski fakultet.

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